
DPO Iceberg Decorative Header

The Difference, Power, and Oppression (DPO) program uses an iceberg as a metaphor to illustrate the structures and often hidden dynamics that shape and drive social inequalities. The visible portion of the iceberg—above the waterline—represents the more overt and recognizable events and outcomes of systemic bias and structural inequalities, such as racism, sexism, classism, and other forms of oppression. These are the issues that are most readily observed in our day-to-day lives, practices, and institutions.  However, the true scale of the problem lies underneath the surface. Most of the iceberg, that is hidden—below the waterline—symbolizes the deeper, less visible forces that sustain and perpetuate these inequities. These submerged layers are the foundational systems of power.


You can view an overview of our program structure and offerings via our informational slides. Feel free to explore the DPO Academy. And to learn more about the program's name change (from the Difference, Power, and Discrimination Program to the Difference, Power, and Oppression Program) and history, visit our Program History page.