DPO Academy Registration and Waiver Process

DPO Academy Registration

As part of the implementation of the new Core Education curriculum, all members of the instruction team working on DPO courses must complete or receive a waiver for the DPO Academies. Un-certified instructors will be restricted from being assigned to any DPO courses within the course schedule.


DPO Academy Registration


DPO Academy Waivers

Waivers for the DPO Academies are available to faculty or staff with demonstrated expertise or prior applicable training. Participants who have successfully completed a recent DPO (DPD) Academy may be granted an automatic waiver. Successful waiver applications usually consist of some combination of the following categories:

  • Education: Degrees and specializations related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and system of oppression theories (e.g. Ethnic Studies, Feminist Studies, Sociology of Race, Inclusive Pedagogies, Inclusion in the STEM fields, etc.)
  • Scholarly Production and/or Research: Published scholarly research or writing that focuses on questions of difference, power, and oppression
  • Teaching Experience: A track record of teaching centered on engagement with questions of difference, power, oppression, diversity, inclusion, and equity
  • Trainings: Successful completion and/or sustained engagement with professional development around diversity, equity, and inclusion. These can be university-based, or those provided by professional organizations and other entities
  • Community-Based Experiences: Sustained engagement with a relevant community organization that works on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g. African American Policy Forum, NAYA: Native American Youth and Family Center, INCITE!: Women of Color Against Violence)
  • Other Relevant Professional Experiences: For example, being a leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion work in the private or non-profit sectors

All requests to waive participation in a DPO Academy will be assessed by the DPO staff, and must be submitted via our waiver form. The waiver form can be used for the DPO Foundations Academy and the DPO Advanced Academy. The rubric below is used to help assess the strength of waiver applications by evaluating the applicant's qualifications across the key areas listed above. If you have specific questions about qualifying for a waiver, please contact the DPO staff.

DPO Waiver Application


DPO Waiver Application Rubric


High (3) 

Medium (2) 

Low (1) 


Advanced degrees or specializations in relevant fields (e.g., PhD, MA) 

Bachelor's degree in relevant fields or some coursework in relevant areas 

Limited or no formal education in relevant fields 

Scholarly Production and/or Research 

Multiple published works focusing on DPO topics 

Some published works or significant unpublished research 

Limited or no scholarly production in DPO topics 

Teaching Experience 

Extensive teaching experience with a strong focus on DPO topics 

Some teaching experience with occasional focus on DPO topics 

Limited or no teaching experience in DPO topics 


Completion of multiple, extensive DEI trainings 

Participation in some DEI trainings 

Limited or no DEI training 

Community-Based Experiences 

Long-term, active engagement with relevant community organizations 

Some engagement with relevant community organizations 

Limited or no engagement with relevant community organizations 

Other Relevant Professional Experiences 

Leadership roles in DEI work in various sectors 

Participation in DEI work without leadership roles 

Limited or no professional DEI experience 


Likely Outcomes Based on Rubric Scoring

Score Range 

Likely Outcome/Recommendation 


Depending on the level of waiver request (Foundations/Advanced) the waiver will likely be approved. Some participants seeking a waiver for both workshops may receive a waiver for Foundations but will be invited to participate in the Advanced Academy rather than receive a waiver for both workshops.  


Applicants seeking a waiver for Foundations will likely be approved, but some may be invited to participate in the Foundations Academy.  


Applicants will likely not receive a waiver and will be invited to participate in the Foundations Academy